While most businesses spend a lot of time thinking about the content of their mail, very few give much thought to what goes on the envelope. However, creating a unique and striking design for your envelope can be a powerful marketing tactic. A strong design will catch the eye and excite the mind over what lies inside – just like a good book jacket, CD cover, or personalised gift-wrap.

Stand Out from Your Competitors

With customers receiving many letters a day, how can you be sure your mail will be opened and read? It’s vital to make a strong first impression. Rather than relying on the written word, using images will enhance your brand and convey a clear and powerful message immediately. Images linger in the mind longer than words so your mail is likely to be remembered afterwards if you have a strong envelope design.

Using a Franking Machine

Franking machines can be a great way to personalise your business mail. Using a digital franking machine, you can add marketing, informational or branded messages onto each envelope. You can also create a personalised digital logo to build brand awareness. Creating a strong visual design that conveys what your business is all about can really make your mail stand out. In addition, you can include a company contact number on your printed mail, or even integrate your website details by creating a QR code as part of your digital logo. Having your URL marked clearly on every piece of mail you send out is a cost-effective way to drive additional traffic to your site.

Sender Address

Printing your own business address on the envelope is not just a way to advertise your company – it will also help you keep your customer database fully up to date. Adding a sender address to your franking mark will ensure that any stray mail gets returned to you promptly. You can then update your database accordingly so that you don’t waste money sending mail to the same address in future.


You don’t have to limit your franked design to a company logo. You can also use franking marks to promote a specific campaign or let your customers know about a special event or offer. Using your franking mark to highlight a campaign, event or offer allows you to put the main content of your mail towards an entirely different marketing purpose – that way you can kill two birds with one stone and get the most out of a limited budget.

A Professional Look

A powerful envelope design featuring your brand logo will convey a strong sense of professionalism to your customers. You wouldn’t send out one of your employees in a shabby suit to meet customers because it’s vital to convey a properly professional image. The same goes for your business mail –the quality of what’s on the outside tells customers what they can expect to find inside.

Adding a franked logo to your envelope costs a fraction of a penny per exposure but will make your small business look as professional as any large corporation. Big name brands are instantly identifiable from their logos alone – these companies know that less is more and that a picture is worth a thousand words of text. With the help of a franked design, your customers will soon recognise your business brand just as readily.

Use a franking machine to make your business mail as eye-catching and professional as possible. With a strong envelope design, customers will know at a glance that the mail has come from your business.

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