Following the completion of the extensive requirements needed by the Royal Mail, The Mailing Room have become fully licensed to inspect, maintain and repair franking machines. Together with this is The Mailing Room have recruited an experienced team of service engineers to support their customers franking equipment.

When considering paying for your mail services via a franking machine, the Royal Mail have made it mandatory for this equipment to be maintained and inspected by a license service provider. The Royal Mail allows the choice of who provides this service to be decided by each business by offering a range of licensed providers. The Mailing Room today have announced that they have attained this license and are authorised to provide franking machine maintenance service.

Often the provider of franking machine maintenance service is supplied by the manufacturer or independent dealer, but as of 2005 it is now possible to choose and change this, three months before the end of each annual contract. Key services in this would include arranging an annual inspection to maintain your machine is in good working order, next day call out for repair of any equipment and machine swop out, where required.

The Mailing Room initially will be able to maintain Pitney Bowes equipment, which will extend to other manufacturers over time. To attain the license, Mailing Room engineers have recruited a team of experienced franking machine engineers with an average of 15 years of knowledge. Coupled with this, new ISO9001 processes have been put into place ensure that all service provided is to a consistent high standard.

Andrew Parmenter, Marketing Manager of The Mailing Room commented; “Becoming a licensed independent inspector and maintainer of franking machines is essential to provide support & service all our customers and marks a milestone in the growth the business. Customer service has always been the most important area of our business and our maintenance will follow the very high standards set in this area.”

“We believe many existing franking machine customers currently receive poor value for money for their maintenance service and The Mailing Room aim to offer an improved alternative to existing suppliers”

For more information on maintenance for your franking machine, please contact The Mailing Room on 0800 0192 033 or visit

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