What Is ISO?

ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) is an independent organisation and is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International standards. ISO give world-class specifications for products and services to guarantee the highest quality and levels of safety and efficiency.

ISO’s standards cover a wide range of industries including technology and healthcare, publishing over 19,500 international standards.

Benefits of ISO

Following ISO’s standards and being ISO certified helps to improve internal working and achieve greater consistency and quality of service.  By improving on the processes already in place and introducing new, relevant and functional processes the result is better efficiency and productivity throughout the business. ISO also aims to achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction by setting standards to consistently meet customer requirements.

What ISO means for The Mailing Room

Being ISO certified means our business operations are as efficient and productive as possible. By following ISO guidelines, we can improve quality and enhance customer satisfaction to consistently keep our customers happy.  These standards also help to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and are a sign of our services being safe, reliable and of high quality.

For more about ISO visit www.iso.org

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