Lifeshare are a voluntary organisation working across Salford and Manchester to meet the needs of homeless and vulnerable people in the area. As an organisation working persistently locally to help the most vulnerable in society, we are proud to support their efforts through staff volunteering and donations. Lifeshare are the perfect organisation for us to support as they intimately know the issues facing those in poverty in our local area and have dedicated campaigns to help alleviate the issues they are facing.
As Manchester’s oldest charity dedicated to helping homeless and vulnerable people Lifeshare was founded in 1984 and believe in taking action to the streets of Salford and Manchester and offering practical assistance, support, and information to those who need it most. Following on from this initial support Lifeshare offer continued assistance to ensure that people can remain in suitable accommodation and progress on their forward journey.

In order to remain an effective service to the community Lifeshare continuously adapts and develops their operations and focus to the societal needs affecting Manchester and Salford at the time. Since their inception Lifeshare has developed initiatives such as: helping provide food to those rough sleeping and in food poverty, providing sexual health support, and fighting against dangerous drugs. Currently Lifeshare offers a Crisis service that supports young people facing complex issues and helps them to build more a consistent lifestyle through offering food, warmth, and advice.
By surveying our staff to understand what issues they would like to see us target for support through charitable partnerships and donations we received feedback that the issue of food poverty is of central importance. While also targeting this issue through our work with The Greenhouse Project Mobile Pantry in Liverpool, Lifeshare’s work on food poverty is another reason why we believe they deserve our support. Lifeshare work in collaboration with other charities in Manchester to provide holistic help for those inn food poverty by offering not only food items but also education around food, healthy eating and food hygiene.
Lifeshare, along with all charitable initiatives that we support, believe that support should be available to those who need it regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, gender, or ability. This is vital to our ongoing support to Lifeshare and something that is a core part of our company culture and staff values.