It is necessary to clean your franking machine on a regular basis in order to help to maintain the machine and keep it in a good condition. Failing to look after your machine could mean breakdowns and costly maintenance in the future.

Be sure to remove static build-up, dirt and grime using a franking machine cleaning kit with a high pressure air duster, anti-static foam cleanser and anti-bacterial hand gel and wipes.

A general clean should be done frequently and is straight forward. Be sure to check your handbook or manufacturers manual before cleaning for guidelines.

If lines or smears are appearing on the envelope or franking label when franking your mail, then you may need to clean the ink cartridge nozzle.

Your franking machine should come with a protective dust cover, always ensure you use this when the franking machine is not in use to protect the machine from dust and dirt build up.

To make sure your franking machine is cleaned regularly, why not do a general clean each time you replace the ink?

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