Royal Mail have announced the END of Non-Mailmark franking in 2022!
Royal Mail have written to every customer in its database that has a current licence for a Standard franking machine informing them that from the end of 2022, the traditional crown die indicia will be removed as an option and Royal Mail will only accept franked mail showing the Mailmark machine-readable state-of-the-art 2D barcode from 1st January 2023.
Meaning that if you’re a user of an old device, it’s time to move over to a Mailmark machine so you can continue franking and take advantage of an extra 8p saving on every 2nd Class letter sent.
Non-Mailmark crown die indicia signifies you need to upgrade your machine:
Mailmark 2D barcode guarantees you can continue franking after 2022:
What should I do if I’m franking with the old circle indicia?
You need a new Mailmark machine to keep franking after 2022, so call Customer Service on 0800 977 8097, or send an email, and we’ll help you move across!
What if I don’t change and stick with my existing franking machine?
Unfortunately, from late 2022 you won’t be able to add funds to the machine, then in 2023 Royal Mail will return your franked mail to sender.
But why are Royal Mail doing this?
Mailmark was introduced in 2014 to provide the most efficient and accurate way of processing mail, along with guaranteeing the cheapest franking rate. As the majority of franked mail is now Mailmark it’s simply ensuring that all franked mail can take advantage of the automated barcode technology.
Will my franked post cost more to send?
No, in fact Mailmark guarantees the cheapest franking rate, with 2nd Class letters at 47p, compared to 55p for standard franking and 65p for stamps.
When should I change?
As Mailmark franking is cheaper and more efficient, it’s best to change now to take advantage of savings and avoid the worry of not being able to send your franked mail when non-Mailmark ends.