The Mailing Room (which also trades as FP Mailing (North West) Ltd & FP Executive Agency Ltd) who provides franking machines & mail room supplies, have been trading under multiple brands for some time and to ensure that their customers both know who they are and also that they are happy with the services they were receiving, a recent survey was conducted. This was sent via email with view that it would produce the highest number of respondents as it is easy to complete.

The survey was initially sent in January 2013 and then repeated with the same questions in November 2013 to see how this had changed throughout this period.

The first question asked was ‘which brand would you associate with our business?’ The results from Jan 2013 indicated that 67% recognised the business as ‘The Mailing Room’ raising to 71% in Nov 2013. The results showed that ‘The Mailing Room’ brand has been becoming more closely connected to the service offered opposed to other brands that have been connected to the business.

Next customers were asked ‘How would you rate our business for customer service’ with the outcome showing consistently that the The Mailing Room was ‘extremely good’ at providing this. This result was consistent across both surveys and showed the constant high level of support the business provides.

Together with this customers were asked ‘How would you rate us for maintenance service’ which again produced a result of ‘extremely good.’ Also, the overall score for this question rose from 3.97 score to 4.11 score out of 5, an increase of 3.5% from January to November 2013, which coincides with the business attaining the Royal Mail license to be authorised maintainer of franking machines (for Pitney Bowes franking machines)

Finally, customers were asked “which products there mailing services they may purchase in the future” and were given a list of options (i.e. franking, hybrid mail, etc). From the sample, there was a significant increase in interest in discounted postal services where 30% in the January 2013 survey and 44% in the November 2013 may consider these products in the future.

Overall, Dawn Hamilton-Fishwick from the Mailing Room commented; “ It is fantastic to know we are looking after our customers in the way we believe they should be and we will only strive harder to ensure we not only maintain this but set new standards in our industry. I am particularly pleased that our customers are becoming to know us as ‘The Mailing Room’ opposed to other brands we have been trading under previously.”

For more information about the mail room services provided by The Mailing Room, please contact them on 0800 0192 033 or visit

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