The Franking Machine Company Finance Limited and The Franking Machine Company Supplies Limited both entered Administration on 7th December 2012, with Paul Dumbell and Brian Green from KPMG LLP appointed as Joint Administrators.  The Joint Administrators continued to honour existing lease agreements and trade the business from this date, while a sale of the assets of the business was explored. On 2nd September 2013, FP Mailing (North West) Limited, trading as The Mailing Room, purchased certain assets of the business and successfully, legally assigned all ongoing customer contracts to themselves from the Companies in Administration.

Moving forward, all their franking machine and folder inserter machine accounts will be managed by The Mailing Room.

The Mailing Room are committed to ensuring that all customers have continuous use of the postal service provided through a franking machine or other mail room equipment. To ensure this happens, The Mailing Room have taken over the collection of payments for outstanding leases owing on franking & folding equipment purchased previously. This will allow customers to continue to use any postal machinery they have without affecting the current processes or payment arrangements.

For maintenance service provision, The Mailing Room will continue to provide this as long as a valid agreement is in force and where required will be liaising with customers to ensure this is in place to enable the franking license to remain valid. This also is the case with the regards to the supply of ink and label supplies.

The Mailing Room have advised any customers who are unsure of their current situation with regards the franking machine contract to call their dedicated hotline on 0800 977 8097.

In due course, all customers will be contacted to advise who will be their dedicated account manager and whether there could be any amendments to their contract.

George Bevan, Managing Director for The Mailing Room commented;” The acquisition of certain assets of The Franking Machine Company Finance Limited and The Franking Machine Company Supplies Limited will ensure these franking machine users have continuous use of their postal service. Over the coming weeks we intend to welcome these customers into The Mailing Room family and ensure they given the high level of customer service we already provide to our other 6,000 customers.

Whilst the previous provider is no longer trading, please be assured The Mailing Room are dedicated to ensuring we improve the service that all our customers receive. Whilst the imposed change to a new supplier could be unsettling, The Mailing Room hope to ease this by providing the knowledge their postal system is in safe hands.”

For more information please contact Andrew Parmenter on 0800 0192 033 or visit

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